Amit Peled to re-create Casal's 1915 recital at Peabody

Time machines aren't always confined to science fiction. On Thursday at the Peabody Institute, the clock will be turned back 100 years for the re-creation of a recital given there by famed cellist Pablo Casals — played on the same cello that Casals used for that Feb. 12, 1915, program.

The performer this week will be Amit Peled, the dynamic Israeli-born cellist and Peabody faculty member. A couple of years ago, the Casals Foundation offered Peled the loan of the instrument, purchased by Casals two years before that Peabody appearance.

Peled has been on a high ever since. He practically glows when talking about the cello, crafted in Venice by Matteo Goffriller in 1733. It features a lush, reddish veneer and, on the back, the clear indication of where Casals' left leg rubbed against it for decades as he played.

Musicians are known to anthropomorphize instruments.

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